Hiring a lawyer for a bail hearing in Ontario

bail hearing lawyer

Getting arrested and charged with a criminal offense is an overwhelming experience. Having a knowledgeable bail hearing lawyer by your side can make this situation less stressful.

At Robichaud’s criminal law firm, we understand the anxiety that comes with being charged with a crime and having to attend a bail hearing. Mishandling the hearing can lead to serious consequences, including spending weeks or months in jail even if you haven’t been found guilty of anything.

Having an experienced lawyer can ensure that your right to reasonable bail is not ignored. Regardless of the charge, the law considers you innocent until proven guilty, and you have a right to reasonable bail. However, for serious charges, the court may require stricter bail conditions. A bail hearing lawyer can help by developing a release plan that the court will consider and advocating for your right to reasonable bail.

At Robichaud’s criminal law firm, our criminal defense lawyers are here to assist you with your bail hearing and provide you with the support you need during this difficult time. For more information about bail hearings, please visit our website or contact an experienced bail hearing lawyer at (416) 999-8389.

Why it is important to hire an experienced bail hearing lawyer

If you’re facing a bail hearing, it’s important to have a knowledgeable lawyer on your side. Here’s how they can help:

  • Coordinate with police to schedule a convenient time for you to turn yourself in.
  • Assist potential sureties in preparing for their court appearance.
  • Use relevant case law and authorities to support your release.
  • Negotiate reasonable release conditions with the Crown Attorney or Federal Prosecutor.
  • Prepare you for what to expect while in custody.
  • Appeal the decision if you’re detained at the bail hearing.
  • Take every possible step to increase your chances of release.

With an experienced bail hearing lawyer from our firm, you can be fully prepared for your hearing and increase your chances of being released. Contact us today for more information or to speak with one of our criminal defence lawyers.


2013Tuesday, December 24,

Why Criminal Court is open on Christmas and other holidays in Ontario

December 24th, 2013|Comments Off on Why Criminal Court is open on Christmas and other holidays in Ontario

WASH bail court and the holiday season.  The festivities do not deny liberty. The Holiday Season does not mean that people are not charged with criminal offences.  In fact, the Holiday Season can be some [...]