Lawyer for weapons and firearm offences.

Firearm Offences Lawyer TorontoUnder the Canadian Criminal Code, the unregistered use, possession, and trafficking carry some of the most serious sentences and penalties under our law. Most firearm offences have significant mandatory sentences of jail. This area of law is not only very serious, but also highly complex and requiring a full understanding of criminal law. Firearm and weapons offences’ very often require an thorough understanding of constitutional litigation, regulatory understanding relating to licensing, and effective trial advocacy skills.

Speak to us today to understand how our best efforts and understanding of the law in this area can effectively manage serious offences relating to firearms and weapons.

Examples of the firm’s past experience in firearm, weapons, and prohibited device cases:

DISCLAIMER: Every criminal case is unique and every case has it’s own challenges. Past acquittals, withdrawals, or other favourable results our lawyers have achieved for our clients in firearms and weapons does not mean the same result can be obtained for present or future clients. We look at each case with it’s own unique characteristics and fashion our approach on the individual, not the crime itself.

  • R. v. T.Z. (Superior Court of Justice, Toronto) | Charges: Possession of a Firearm x2, Possession of Marijuana and Cocaine for the Purpose of Trafficking | Allegations: Upon the search of the accused’s home police found firearms and drugs; the accused himself advised police where the firearms could be found, thus implicating himself with knowledge of the firearms. | Result: Charter Application filed alleging police misconduct in obtaining and executing warrant. All Charges Withdrawn.
  • R. v. T.H. (Ontario Court of Justice, Scarborough) | Charges: Possession of a Prohibited Firearm, Possession of a Loaded Prohibited Firearm, Being the Occupant of a Motor Vehicle Knowing a Firearm Contained Within, Weapons Dangerous, Possession of Marijuana. | Allegations: Client was found as a passenger of a motor vehicle after a trafc stop revealed marijuana in the console and a loaded prohibited firearm contained within. Result: All Charges Withdrawn.
  • R. v. G.W. (Ontario Court of Justice, Hamilton) | Charges: Possession of a Firearm, Possession of Crack Cocaine, etc. | Allegations: Gun and drugs found in residence of alleged girlfriend. argument raised that there was no evidence linking this particular accused, other than his generic name, to the apartment where the gun and drugs were found. | Result: Charges dismissed at preliminary inquiry.
  • R. v. S.H. (Ontario Court of Justice, Durham Region) Charges: Possession of Cocaine for the Purpose of Trafficking, Possession of Marijuana for the Purpose of Trafficking, Careless Storage of a Firearm, Weapons Dangerous (handgun), Possession of a Loaded Prohibited Weapon, Possession of a Prohibited Weapon (handgun), | Allegations: Police execute warrant on residence after receiving a tip from a confidential informant that there are drugs and a gun in the home. Upon search, police discover considerable amounts of drugs and a loaded Colt .38 revolver. | Result: All charges withdrawn at preliminary inquiry. Crown concedes fundamental flaws in the basis for the warrant and accept plea from co-accused of simple possession of cocaine as consideration.
  • R. v. T.C-W. (Ontario Court of Justice) – Oshawa | Charges: Possession of Concealed Weapon, Possession of Prohibited Weapon, Possession of Weapon Dangerous to the Public Peace | Allegations: Youth alleged to have a flick knife at school and brandished it after a fight between a school mate. | Result: Acquitted on all charges
  • R. v. W.T. (Ontario Court of Justice, Whitby) | Charges: Possession of a prohibited Firearm; careless storage of firearm / ammo; unauthorized poss. of firearm; possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking | Allegations: Client is found in a home where significant amounts of drugs, guns, and other contraband was found. Client had some cocaine on his person. | Result: Client pleads guilty to cocaine that was found on him, all other charges of firearms, and trafficking, etc, withdrawn.
  • R. v. S.G. (Superior Court of Justice – JURY) – Link to the judgment on this case can be found HERE – Whitby | Charges: Attempted Murder, Possession of Weapon for a Purpose Dangerous to the Public Peace, Carrying a Concealed Weapon | Allegations: The accused stabbed the complainant three times in the chest with a large knife. The complainant lost massive amounts of blood and underwent emergency surgery where doctors luckily saved his life. See the link above for specific details leading up to this stabbing. Result: Jury Verdict of NOT GUILTY on all counts
  • R. v. K.P. (Ontario Court of Justice, Hamilton) | Charges: Assault with a Weapon, Assault, Threatening, etc. | Allegations: Allegations of accused using a rolling pin to assault someone in the commission of an assault in a domestic context. | Result: Charges dismissed. Client acquitted.
  • R. v. J.W.: (Superior Court of Justice, Kitchener) Charges: 1) Possession of a Loaded Restricted Firearm, 2) Possession of a Weapon (firearm) for a purpose dangerous to the public peace, 3) Transporting Firearm in a Careless Manner, 4) Possession of a Restricted Firearm not while not the holder of a licence to do so, 5) Occupant of a motor vehicle knowing that there was a restricted firearm within, 6) Possession of a Firearm, 7) Knowingly possessing a firearm while knowing that he was not authorized to do so, 8) Possession of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking, 9) Proceeds of crime (apx. $5000.00), 10) Possession of a firearm with the serial defaced, and 11( Impaired Operation of Motor Vehicle. Allegations: Accused stopped at R.I.D.E. program around the holiday season as a lone occupant. Accused arrested as a result of impaired driving. Upon search of the vehicle, police discover a loaded firearm in the glove box, marijuana with baggies and scale, and a large amount of money in cash. Result: Matter brought through a preliminary inquiry and then a jury trial. Accused ultimately found guilty of only one offence of “careless transport of a firearm” and sentenced to 6 months house arrest with exception to work and emergencies, then 6 months of curfew. All other (10) charges dismissed.