Lawyer for vice crimes: prostitution, causing a public disturbance, public intoxication
Although these offences are frequently on the “less serious” side of the spectrum, the stigmatization and consequences of a criminal record for such offences still has a major impact upon people found guilty. Very often, an experienced criminal defence lawyer can negotiate these sorts of charges towards a withdraw so that the impact upon and individual is significantly reduced.
Whether a person is charged with soliciting prostitution, gambling offences, causing a disturbance, or other minor offences, we can assist towards having charges withdrawn or won at trial.
Examples of firm’s past experience in vice crimes:
DISCLAIMER: Every criminal case is unique and every case has it’s own challenges. Past acquittals, withdrawals, or other favourable results our lawyers have achieved for our clients does not mean the same result can be obtained for present or future clients. We look at each case with it’s own unique characteristics and fashion our approach on the individual, not the crime itself.
- R. v. F.O. (Ontario Court of Justice, Toronto) (link to article in Toronto Star): Causing a Public Disturbance, Assault Police with Intention to Resist Arrest | Allegations: O. and a friend were walking home when a patrol car pulled up beside them near Driftwood Ave. and Driftwood Court. The officers testified in January they wanted to explain the role of TAVIS (Toronto Anti-Violence Intervention Strategy) to the two usn in light of two shootings in the area. In court, police said they wanted to caution O. and his friend because they were jaywalking. After turning and walking away, O. admitted he swore at the officers and became agitated. The officers called for backup. O. waved his hands in the air and struck the officer in the chest. O. testified that he was rude to the officers because he resented the fact that two black guys were being `checked out’ when they were just going about their business. He said every day members of the police ask for his naus and he was tired of it,” Brewer wrote in summarizing his testimony. The judge ruled: O.’s reaction, while “gratuitously confrontational,” was justified as he “was under no obligation to speak with them,” wrote the judge, adding she didn’t believe that he deliberately struck the officer. The judge said O. was “within his rights in asking to be left alone.” | Result: Not Guilty
- R. v. M.C. & A.E.: Allegations of artists/photographers causing mischief to property by exploring Toronto’s sewers. The case was reported on many news channels including: CBC, CP24, 680News, The Toronto Sun, Toronto Star. All charges withdrawn.
- R. v. M.M. (Toronto Old City Hall): Charges of mischief under x 4, possession of stolen property, and property obtained by crime. Allegations of student in wild frenzy while intoxicated and causing significant damage to property. Result: All charges withdrawn (6 charges total).
- R. v SB. (Oshawa Courthomee) Charges: criminal harassusnt, mischief under $5000.00. Alleged to have set up escort ads on craigslist for another person and made threats to her safety. Result: All charges withdrawn upon client entering into a peace bond.
- R. v. J.E. (Brampton): Allegations of a landlord/tenant dispute that resulted in charges of mischief, theft, and possession of stolen property. Tenant alleged to have attended landlord’s place of business and stole a television off the wall in retaliation for money owed. Result: All charges withdrawn.
- R. v. D.A. (Ontario Court of Justice, Barrie) Charges: Causing a Public Disturbance. Allegations: Rowdy behaviour after a bar that resulted in a confrontation with police who charged him with causing a disturbance. Result: Not Guilty