Is BDSM Legal in Canada?
Is BDSM Legal in Canada? Is BDSM legal is Canada? Or is BDSM criminal sexual assault? The answer is that it depends. The law differs slightly in different provinces due to differences in binding [...]
By Gold Law|2025-01-31T13:22:47-05:00January 31st, 2025|
Is BDSM Legal in Canada? Is BDSM legal is Canada? Or is BDSM criminal sexual assault? The answer is that it depends. The law differs slightly in different provinces due to differences in binding [...]
By Gold Law|2024-09-10T16:17:05-04:00September 9th, 2024|
Defending Cyber Security and Computer Hacking Charges in Canada Cybercrime in Canada is rapidly evolving, driven by the rise in digital technologies and the increasing sophistication of cyber tools and methods. Canada's anti-hacking [...]
By Gold Law|2024-07-14T16:11:42-04:00July 14th, 2024|
R. v. Hodgson (2024 SCC 25): Chokeholds, Self-Defence, and Appeals of Acquittals The Supreme Court of Canada's recent decision in R. v. Hodgson (2024 SCC 25) provides valuable clarification on common issues in Canadian [...]
By Gold Law|2024-07-02T21:02:25-04:00July 2nd, 2024|
Courthouse Profile: Newmarket Criminal Court At Robichaud's, our criminal defence lawyers are dedicated to serving clients throughout Ontario. In our "Courthouse Profile" series, we provide valuable insights into the inner workings, procedures, and [...]
By Gold Law|2024-06-30T11:51:44-04:00May 6th, 2024|
The Law on Bail Has Failed Canadians: A Proposal for 469 Recalibration It seems a week doesn't pass in Canada without a tragic and shocking media release of a violent crime where that [...]
By Gold Law|2024-06-30T11:53:23-04:00January 31st, 2024|
Legal innocence is not factual innocence: dispelling myths on pre-trial detention in Ontario On January 31, 2024, CTV News reported, "More than 80% of inmates in Ontario jails last year were legally innocent, awaiting [...]